Abundantia ~ Prosperity: “The Universe is pouring its abundance out to you. Be open to receiving."

Message From Abundantia: “Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. You are very powerful, and I am here to support your growing power. It is right for you to receive this help, as we function as a team. I have heard your prayers, worries, and affirmations. I am pouring my cornucopia of prosperity upon you now, so expect unforeseen windfalls and gifts. Notice the new ideas, feelings, and visions within you. This guidance gives you clear direction about your actions to take in conjunction with my assistance. Together, we are unstoppable!”

Various Meanings Of This Card: Be open to receiving. A new windfall of money is coming to you. You have nothing to worry about. Your new venture will be financially successful. Visualize and affirm abundance. Abundance comes to you in many ways, including extra time, support, and ideas.

About Abundantia: (pronounced ah-bun-DON-she-uh): Abundantia is a beautiful Roman and Norse goddess of prosperity, success, and abundance who is said to bring good fortune and financial windfalls to all who call upon her. She carries a cornucopia of golden coins, which trail behind her wherever she goes. One sign that she is with you is that you will find lots of spare change in unlikely locations. And rest assured that Abundantia brings more than pocket-money to those who call upon her. She bestows all kinds of prosperity, including increased amounts of time, ideas, and other forms of support.”



Mar 15, 2020

Please help my son and daughter achieve they’re life better and goals. Happiness in their life.

Mar 15, 2020
Diane Pivonka

Thank You Abundantia 😇

Mar 15, 2020
Diane Pivonka

Thank You Abundantia 😇

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