Archangel Raphael sends this card to encourage you to use your own power and authority in this situation. The healing angel sees that you’ve been giving your power away to others and ignoring your feelings. It’s time to make your own decisions, stand up for yourself, and speak your truth! Raphael will hold your hand throughout this experience, empowering you and giving you courage.

You’ve been confused lately because of differing opinions and advice about what you should do. This card serves as a reminder that you must take the course of action that’s guided by your inner voice. You truly do know the best path to take, even if it means interacting with intimidating authority figures. In the long run, they’ll respect you more for taking charge.

Possible Specific Meanings: Get a second or third opinion • Assert yourself • Trust your intuition • Give yourself permission to do what you want • Make the live change you’ve been dreaming about

My Prayer: Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for supporting me as I take back my power and listen to my intuition, desires and feelings.

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