Receiving this card shows that you body and energy are craving peace, and the purity of white rose will serve as your guiding light. It is time for you to take a well deserved rest, but to do so, you must clear away the negativity from your life. Start by finding the source of the lower energies that have been coming to you. Take a good look at the people you are spending time with. These may not be individuals who will help you achieve your life purpose. By continuing to interact with them, you are preventing yourself from reaching a state of peace. Please do not deny yourself this gift of serenity any longer. The archangels Metatron, Michael, and Raphael are with you now and wish to help you make this transition. Ask them for help in finding high vibrational people and calming places to enjoy your leisure. They may also urge you to do some physical purifying. A good place to start would be sorting through your wardrobe and donating unused clothing to charity. You will be enjoying peace and tranquility sooner than you think! Additional meanings: Release any and all negativity; it is time for some spring cleaning.
Purifying my life of the negative people means I have to strap on a backpack and a few clothes and start hirchiking. Considering I have no family and nowhere to go, how am I to make a new start without falling into the hands of the same type of person that I have been with for the past two years. I earnestly need help and don’t know where to turn.
Thanks for listening.
Thank you. This is good for me. Ty. Blessings
thank you for your words on purifying a persons life they were really good and inspiring words for the uplifting of ones life.
Thank u for that statement on purifying it’s beautiful and I will try my best to do so take care.