Message from Archangel Michael: ~ "Write About Your Thoughts and Feelings".

This card indicates that you're confused by conflicted feelings and are unsure of which direction to go in. Archangel Michael will help you delve into your emotions, peeling away the layers in order to reach your inner core of truth. He guides you to write down everything you're thinking and feeling - without editing or censoring your words. Keeping a private journal will enable you to gain insights into the nature of what you genuinely desire. This clarity will illuminate the steps you need to take next!

Possible specific meanings:
Pursue creative writing as a hobby or career.
Take a writing course.
Writing is part of your Divine life purpose.
Learn a new language.
Join a writers' group.
Submit your writing to a publisher or magazine.

Thank you for helping me tap into my God-given creativity and wisdom so I clearly express myself and glean insight, blessing, and healing.


Jul 23, 2017
Ridhi Vakil

Dear archangel Michael, I want your guidance related to my relationship with my husband.

May 20, 2017

Angels I need your help I have appliances that need repair in a limited income I appreciate you intervening in my behalf and thank you thank you thank you I’m so grateful so be it

Mar 29, 2017
Palesa Pangalele

My deepest gratitude Dear Divine Archangel Micheal!!

Mar 29, 2017

Please Pray for my Business

Aug 21, 2016
Diane Pivonka

Thank You Archangel Michael ?

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