Set Your Sights Higher: “Increase your standards, and expect more for yourself. Don’t Settle!”

“This card indicates that you have been trying to rationalize that some situation is OK… when it is not. You have settled for less than you desire, and for much less than you deserve. You do not need to compromise! Heaven will help you heal, or will replace troubling situations in your life. All you need to do is ask for Heaven’s help, and then adhere to the guidance that results.

Take time today to visualize and dream about your true heart’s desires. Do not worry about being disappointed – you deserve a great life, and you have the power and the Heavenly help to accomplish it! Fear and worries slow down your manifestation, so keep releasing all cares and doubts to Heaven.

You may feel intimidated by moving up to a higher plateau in your journey; however you have Heaven’s reassurance that you are ready. Reach for the stars, know that you are qualified and deserving of these gifts, and open your arms to receive them!”


May 22, 2017
Deborah Anne Melville

Thank you what a lovely card hope you have a day full of wonderful blessings xx

Apr 26, 2017
Palesa Pangalele

Thank you so much for the confirmation. I affirm that all that is finally going good in my life and improving right now I deserve. I will not settle for any less and ever in any case rationalise for any reason. My destiny is my birth right and nothing or no one can tell me or do otherwise about the fact. And So It Is!!!

Apr 25, 2017

Thankyou Angels ❤ very greatful for your support and guidance thankyou all xxoo

May 26, 2016
Alex Humphreys

So resonates thankyou

May 25, 2016
Debbie Penny

Thank you. This certainly resonate s with me. ❤

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