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New waves of abundance are sweeping over you right now. Observe any ideas that enter your mind at this time, as they may be seeds of a profitable new venture. Also notice any out-of-the-blue phone calls or "chance" meetings with people who could help you. This card also means that you're on a success streak. This is an excellent time to begin new ventures (of course, follow your inner guidance and do appropriate research). You'll see that doors open easily for you, and that you're filled with extra confidence and enthusiasm. Practice being a grateful recipient of good. Know that there's an ocean of abundance, with no danger that it will dry up.
Juby Thomas
Please pray and wash all pain from my body and home
Juby Thomas
Please pray and wash all pain from my body and home
I am open to receiving all that is meant for the greater good of me. Grateful for all BLESSINGS
Thank you
Freda Pinder
Yes thank you I open my heart to receive all adudance coming to me.
Blessed are you and thank you.??