Like a good friend, the Romance Angels send you this card to tell you the truth: the best way to have more romance in your life is through attraction, rather than through strenuous effort. You are most attractive when you’re fully enjoying yourself in the present. Your joyful laughter, self-expression, and body language are beautiful!

In contrast, any stress you experience as you strain to find romance pushes against the stream of life. Strain comes from a place of fear, with an underlying worry: “Maybe I won’t receive this!” That fear then attracts the very thing you worry about. Stress creates wrinkles, bodily tension, a constricted voice, and other unattractive characteristics.

So, go smell a rose and fully enjoy its fragrant beauty. Allow yourself simple pleasures that lead to great joy. Affirm frequently that you are loved and lovable. Visualize a wonderful romantic relationship with a great partner. Take excellent care of yourself and follow your inner guidance. Via the Law of Attraction, you’ll draw romantic love to you through your own attractive nature.




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