This card indicates that your energy (or the energy of the individual you’re inquiring about) is increasing as a result of recent positive changes. This is your validation to continue upon your present path.

Energy levels are vital to health and healing; and Archangel Raphael can help you increase vitality, strength, and motivation. All you need to do is ask!

Possible Specific Meanings: Energy-healing work can be helpful for this situation • Investigate whether too many electromagnetic frequencies are bombarding your home or office, adversely affecting your or other people’s health • Call upon Archangel Michael to cut any etheric cords that could be draining your energy or vitality, and he’ll do so • Eat a high-energy diet, and avoid energy-draining foods or beverages

My Prayer: Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for filling me with the unlimited energy of Divine love and light.

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