It takes great courage to face your past disappointments and allow healing to take place.


Reach out to others for comfort and love. Ask God, the angels, and the fairies for clarity of understanding around all issues pertaining to this situation. Be open to the warm embrace of compassion and forgiveness, and to the wisdom of others who may have experienced what you’re going through. 

Don’t close your heart off to helpful people. By working through your sadness now, you set the stage for healing in the near term, rather than having to revisit unhappy emotions over and over.

Our fairy friends are standing with the Holy Hawthorn tree behind them. Legend says that the tree appeared when Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus who helped him off the cross, placed Jesus’s walking staff into the soil on a hill in Glastonbury. The staff became the Holy Hawthorn tree, which blossoms only on Christmas Day and Easter Day.

Additional meanings of this card: Forgiving others and yourself. Releasing past hurts. Healing misunderstandings. Growing stronger from challenging situations. Being there for others in need. 

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