Your creativity and hard work are bringing you great rewards, according to this card. You have the Midas touch right now, so anything you nurture and give your loving attention to will flourish. Marriage, children, and issues involving motherhood and creativity are positively affected now. Whether you are trying to give birth to a child, nurture life into plants or pets, or help a new project or business to grow, your creative endeavors will be successful. Enjoy the beautiful things in life, knowing that you deserve to be wonderfully provided for: Take excellent care of your body with massage; yoga; or anything that makes you feel healthy , vibrant, and luxurious.
Additional meanings of this card: Abundance. Spending time in nature, indulging in creative and artistic projects. Loving and nurturing yourself or others. A time of excellent emotional or physical health.
Archangel Gabriel is the messenger angel who guides and supports expectant and adoptive parents-as well as those involved in “newborn” creative projects. Call upon Gabriel to inspire your creative ideas and give you the courage and the opportunities to express
Thank You AA Gabriel 😇